Black Friday Fashion Mall Game Codes [2024 May]

Updated on March 23, 2024

Crazy shopping “Black Friday” – it’s time for new purchases, and you need to start them immediately. Start preparing for the longest shopping experience right now.

Every girl’s favorite day is considered not only a holiday, but also Black Friday, when you can go shopping and make a huge amount of purchases. If you consider this entertainment your favorite, then you should definitely start it. Now this event will last as long as you really want. Get ready to spend a huge amount of money in a store of a different plan and nature. Hot discounts and the latest fashion trends are waiting for you. Crazy shopping “Black Friday” allows you to quench your thirst for shopping right in the virtual world on your smartphone. Naturally, you cannot miss such a moment, so start it right now and do not put off anything for tomorrow. You have enough money for absolutely everything, and what else can a girl dream of. Game features

  • Colorful animation and atmosphere graphics;
  • The craziest discounts and products;
  • Specially prepared mini-games;
  • Function to share purchases with friends;
  • Endless money and shopping.

New valid for Black Friday Fashion Mall Game Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Diamond necklace 2. 1000 gold coins 3. Ruby-encrusted crown 4. Legendary armor set
Get Code 1. 1000 gold coins 2. Diamond-studded armor 3. Ruby-encrusted scepter 4. €500 shopping spree 5. Exotic gemstone necklace
Get Code 1. Gold earrings, exquisite designer handbag, shiny diamond necklace, luxurious prizes for lucky shoppers. 2. Top-tier cosmetics, designer shoes, exclusive outfits, fashion accessories, premium rewards for stylish winners. 3. State-of-the-art smartphones, high-end watches, designer sunglasses, tech gadgets, deluxe gifts for savvy shoppers.

Black Friday Fashion Mall Game Tier List

Sure, here is an imagined tier list for the game Black Friday Fashion Mall Game:

S Tier:
1. Luxury Clothing Boutiques: These high-end shops offer exclusive and expensive clothing items, attracting wealthy customers who are willing to spend big. They generate the highest profits and prestige for your mall.

2. Trendy Cosmetic Stores: These stores sell popular makeup and beauty products that are in high demand among fashion-conscious shoppers. They bring a lot of foot traffic to your mall and increase your overall revenue.

A Tier:
1. Designer Shoe Stores: Offering a selection of stylish and high-quality shoes, these stores appeal to a wide range of customers looking to complete their outfits with the perfect pair. They contribute significantly to your mall's success.

2. Tech Gadgets Store: With the latest gadgets and accessories, this store attracts tech-savvy shoppers looking for cutting-edge products. It diversifies your mall's offerings and draws in a tech-oriented crowd.

B Tier:
1. Fast-Fashion Retailers: These stores provide affordable and trendy clothing options for budget-conscious shoppers. While they may not generate as much profit per sale as luxury boutiques, they attract a large volume of customers.

2. Accessories Boutique: Specializing in jewelry, handbags, and other accessories, this store adds variety to your mall's offerings and appeals to customers looking to accessorize their outfits.

C Tier:
1. Discount Department Store: Offering a wide range of products at discounted prices, this store caters to bargain hunters but may not contribute as much to your mall's overall prestige or revenue.

2. Pop-up Shops: These temporary stores offer unique and limited-edition items, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity for shoppers. While they can generate buzz, they may not have a long-term impact on your mall's success.

D Tier:
1. Generic Souvenir Kiosk: Selling generic souvenirs and trinkets, this store lacks the sophistication and appeal of other mall offerings. It may not attract as many customers or generate significant revenue.

2. Outdated Fashion Outlet: Offering out-of-style clothing and accessories, this store fails to capture the attention of fashion-forward shoppers and may struggle to compete with more current trends.

Keep in mind that the tier list is subjective and can vary based on gameplay strategy and personal preferences.

Black Friday Fashion Mall Game Codes FAQ

FAQ 1: How can I redeem my gift code in Black Friday Fashion Mall Game?

Answer: To redeem your gift code in Black Friday Fashion Mall Game, open the game and go to the settings menu. Look for the option to redeem a gift code, enter the code you received, and click on the redeem button.

FAQ 2: Can I use multiple gift codes in Black Friday Fashion Mall Game?

Answer: Yes, you can redeem multiple gift codes in Black Friday Fashion Mall Game. Simply enter each code one by one in the redeem section to unlock various rewards and items in the game.

FAQ 3: How do I receive gift codes for Black Friday Fashion Mall Game?

Answer: Gift codes for Black Friday Fashion Mall Game are often distributed through in-game events, promotions, or social media campaigns. Keep an eye on official announcements and participate in activities to get your hands on these codes.

FAQ 4: What kind of rewards can I expect from gift codes in Black Friday Fashion Mall Game?

Answer: Gift codes in Black Friday Fashion Mall Game can unlock a variety of rewards such as exclusive outfits, accessories, in-game currency, and special discounts. Make sure to redeem your codes to access these exciting rewards.

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