The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate Codes Wiki [2024 April]

Updated on March 24, 2024

Cave of Greed 2: Gate of Time is an original roguelike adventure where players can invite their friends and go on an unbridled journey with them.

Go to sinister caves and try to restore time. In the adventure, players will have to go through many levels and fight against greedy monsters, taking even better equipment from them every time. Get ready to face brave bosses and upgrade your heroes in Cave of Greed 2: Gate of Time. You can pick up a lot of trophies and awards in your collection for the successful completion of missions. Peculiarities:

  • the atmosphere of the dungeons constantly keeps in suspense;
  • many types of weapons for heroes;
  • about 300 items for pumping;
  • the ability to use bonuses and manage time.

New valid for The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate Codes Wiki

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Glowing Ruby Ring 2. Pouch of Shiny Gold Coins 3. Legendary Dragon Scale Armor 4. Bag of Precious Gems
Get Code 1. Legendary sword of the ancients 2. Pouch of enchanted gold coins 3. Sparkling diamond tiara 4. Bag of precious Ruby gemstones 5. Exquisite armor forged by celestial blacksmith
Get Code 1. Golden chest containing rare equipment and powerful weapons. 2. Bag of sparkling gemstones worth a fortune. 3. Purse filled with valuable coins and precious diamonds.

The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate Tier List

Here is a tier list for The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate game:

Tier S (Superior):
1. Legendary Weapons: These are rare and powerful weapons that can significantly boost your character's combat abilities.
2. Master Potions: These potions provide various buffs that can greatly enhance your character's performance in battles.
3. Epic Armor: Equipping epic armor pieces can provide significant defense and stat bonuses, making your character harder to defeat.

Tier A (Excellent):
1. Rare Accessories: Accessories such as rings and amulets that provide useful buffs, such as increased critical hit chance or additional damage.
2. Elite Enemies: Defeating elite enemies can yield valuable rewards, such as rare equipment and resources.
3. Alchemy Recipes: Unlocking and mastering alchemy recipes can give you access to powerful potions and weapon enhancements.

Tier B (Good):
1. Rare Equipment: Rare weapons and armor that provide solid stat boosts and bonuses.
2. Boss Fights: Engaging in boss fights can yield valuable loot and rewards that can help progress through the game.
3. Exploration Events: Participating in exploration events can lead to hidden treasures and valuable resources.

Tier C (Average):
1. Common Equipment: Basic equipment that provides minimal stat boosts and bonuses.
2. Regular Enemies: Defeating regular enemies can yield basic rewards and resources to help progress through the game.
3. Treasure Chests: Opening treasure chests can provide random rewards, ranging from equipment to resources.

Tier D (Below Average):
1. Consumables: Basic consumable items that provide temporary buffs or healing effects.
2. Common Enemies: Fighting common enemies can be repetitive and yield minimal rewards.
3. Basic Crafting Materials: Collecting basic crafting materials may be important for crafting items, but they are easily obtainable.

This tier list is subjective and based on general gameplay experience. Player preferences, playstyle, and strategies may influence the effectiveness of certain items or features in the game.

The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate Codes FAQ

FAQ 1: What are the gift codes available for The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate?

Answer: Currently, the gift codes available for The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate are "TIMETOGIFT1", "CAVE2REWARD", "GCTIMEGATE", and "GREEDY2CODES".

FAQ 2: How can I redeem the gift codes in The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate?

Answer: To redeem a gift code in The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate, go to the game's settings menu, look for the redemption section, enter the code in the designated field, and claim your rewards.

FAQ 3: What rewards can I get by using the gift codes in The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate?

Answer: By using the gift codes in The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate, players can receive various rewards such as gems, gold coins, rare items, and exclusive in-game content.

FAQ 4: Are the gift codes in The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate limited in their redemption?

Answer: Yes, the gift codes in The Greedy Cave 2: Time Gate are often limited-time offers and have a set number of redemptions available. It is recommended to redeem them as soon as possible to avoid missing out on rewards.

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