Chess Live Gift Codes [2024 May]

Updated on March 24, 2024

Dedicated to all chess lovers – Chess Live, a chess simulator that combines many of the best qualities of its competitors, working out and removing all the shortcomings and negative points.

If you consider yourself a chess professional, and you have no equal in the yard, and you “break off” to go to competitions, then this is what you need. Here you can meet the strongest opponents from all over the world. Who, just like you, installed this game for themselves in search of a strong chess partner.

Do not despair if you are new to chess and do not really know which pieces and where they should go, but you are generally unaware of different types of defense and attack. Because this application will help you gather your thoughts, teach you all the tricks of the game, help you choose game strategies and teach you how to defend yourself against skillful opponents.

For everyone else who has an idea about chess, but is not looking for glory or grandiose battles, this application will be a great opportunity to sit in silence and think about your own, interrupting periodically to make one more move in this ancient as the world, but nevertheless an interesting game. Elijah, if there is someone nearby who is confident in his strength and his victory, but there is no chessboard, then you can easily give him the opportunity to lose in this battle of wits.

New valid for Chess Live Gift Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Golden chess set 2. 1000 gold coins 3. Enchanted ruby chess piece 4. Legendary chess board with hidden compartments
Get Code 1. Diamond-encrusted chess set 2. Bag of gold coins 3. Ruby-studded chess pieces 4. Legendary enchanted chessboard 5. Rare gemstone-embellished chess clock
Get Code 1. Diamond-encrusted chess set for strategic battles. 2. Pouch of gold coins for winning matches. 3. Enchanted chessboard enhancing gameplay tactics.

Chess Live Tier List

Here is a tier list for Chess Live, including details on each tier:

S Tier (Top Tier):
1. Queen - Most powerful piece on the board, able to move in any direction.
2. Rook - Strong piece for controlling files and ranks, especially in the endgame.
3. Bishop - Powerful piece for controlling diagonals and exerting pressure on opponent's position.

A Tier (High Tier):
1. Knight - Unique piece with the ability to jump over other pieces, making it a strong piece for surprise attacks.
2. King - Although not a strong attacker, the King is crucial for protecting pieces and controlling the center.
3. Pawn - Although the weakest piece, pawns are important for controlling the center and promoting to stronger pieces.

B Tier (Mid Tier):
1. Bishop + Knight combo - Working together, bishops and knights can cover each other's weaknesses and control various squares on the board.
2. Two Rooks - Having two rooks can lead to powerful attacks and strong control of the board.
3. King + Rook combo - A strong defensive combination that can control key squares and protect each other.

C Tier (Low Tier):
1. Bishop pair - While strong individually, having both bishops might limit your control over certain squares.
2. Two Knights - Knights struggle to control long-range threats and can sometimes block each other's movements.
3. King + Bishop combo - The bishop's long-range capabilities can complement the King's shortcomings, but may lack in offensive power.

D Tier (Bottom Tier):
1. Three Pawns - Having too many pawns can limit your mobility and leave gaps in your defenses.
2. King + Pawn combo - While pawns are important for controlling the board, relying too much on them can limit your attacking potential.
3. Lone Queen - While powerful, a lone queen can be vulnerable to attacks and may lack support from other pieces.

This tier list is based on the general strengths and weaknesses of each piece and combination in Chess Live, as well as their overall effectiveness in different stages of the game.

Chess Live Codes FAQ

FAQ 1: Can you use gift codes in Chess Live to unlock premium features?

Answer: Yes, you can use gift codes in Chess Live to unlock premium features such as new chess sets, boards, and other customization options.

FAQ 2: How do I redeem a gift code in Chess Live?

Answer: To redeem a gift code in Chess Live, go to the settings menu within the game and look for the redeem code option. Enter the code exactly as provided to unlock the associated rewards.

FAQ 3: Are there expiration dates for gift codes in Chess Live?

Answer: Yes, gift codes in Chess Live may have expiration dates. Be sure to check the terms and conditions of the code to ensure it is still valid before attempting to redeem it.

FAQ 4: Can I share gift codes with friends in Chess Live?

Answer: Yes, you can share gift codes with friends in Chess Live. Simply provide them with the code and instructions on how to redeem it to enjoy the rewards together.

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