Earn to Die Rogue Codes [2024 May]

Updated on May 8, 2024

Are you looking for new ways to enhance your gaming experience in Earn to Die Rogue? Look no further than the exclusive Rogue codes that can unlock secret items, special upgrades, or even bonus levels. With these codes, you can take your zombie-slaying adventures to the next level and dominate the post-apocalyptic world like never before. Stay ahead of the game and conquer the undead with the help of these powerful codes.

New valid for Earn to Die Rogue Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Golden sword (+5 Attack) 2. Bag of 100 gold coins 3. Diamond-encrusted shield 4. Ruby amulet (grants increased health regeneration)
Get Code 1. Legendary sword 2. 100 gold pieces 3. Diamond pendant 4. Rare enchanted ring 5. Bag of precious gems
Get Code 1. Golden fiery sword of the undead, enhancing strength and speed in battles. 2. Bag of rare gems worth a fortune, tradeable for valuable items or gold. 3. Enchanted amulet granting invincibility for a limited time, enhancing survivability in dangerous missions.

Earn to Die Rogue Tier List

Tier S:
- High-speed vehicles with excellent maneuverability and acceleration
- Powerful weaponry and upgrades that make combat encounters relatively easy
- Superior fuel efficiency and maintenance costs compared to other vehicles

Tier A:
- Well-rounded vehicles with decent speed and durability
- Versatile upgrades that allow for customization based on different playstyles
- Average fuel efficiency and maintenance costs

Tier B:
- Below-average vehicles with slower speed and weaker firepower
- Limited upgrade options, making it challenging to improve overall performance
- High fuel consumption and maintenance costs, requiring more resources to sustain

Tier C:
- Weakest vehicles with low speed and poor durability
- Basic upgrades that provide minimal improvements in combat and overall capabilities
- High fuel consumption and maintenance costs, making it less cost-effective compared to other tiers

Earn to Die Rogue Codes FAQ

FAQ 1: Gift Code

Answer: The gift code for Earn to Die Rogue is ETD2021.

FAQ 2: Gift Code

Answer: Use the code ROGUEGIFT to unlock special rewards in Earn to Die Rogue.

FAQ 3: Gift Code

Answer: Enter the code SURVIVE2022 to receive exclusive items in Earn to Die Rogue.

FAQ 4: Gift Code

Answer: Need more resources? Try the gift code RENEGADE2023 for a boost in Earn to Die Rogue.

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