Kingdom Civil War Codes Wiki [2024 May]

Updated on May 5, 2024

In the midst of the Kingdom Civil War, codes are essential to ensure secure communication among factions. These codes provide a shield of secrecy to protect strategic plans and crucial information from falling into enemy hands. The ability to decrypt and decipher these codes is a vital skill possessed by elite operatives, enabling them to stay one step ahead in the conflict. The Kingdom Civil War codes serve as a lifeline, guiding soldiers through the chaos of battle.

New valid for Kingdom Civil War Codes Wiki

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Royal armor set 2. Bag of gold coins 3. Enchanted sword 4. Precious ruby gemstone
Get Code 1. Enchanted sword 2. Bag of gold 3. Diamond necklace 4. Ruby-encrusted armor 5. Magic potion
Get Code 1. Royal Armor Set 2. Bag of Gold Coins 3. Enchanted Diamond Sword

Kingdom Civil War Tier List

Here is a tier list with details for the game Kingdom Civil War:

S Tier:
1. Royal Knights: The elite soldiers of the kingdom, equipped with the best armor and weapons. They have high health, damage output, and excellent defensive capabilities.
2. Dragon Riders: Fearless warriors riding powerful dragons, they can rain fire down upon enemy units and cause chaos on the battlefield.
3. Archmages: Masters of the arcane arts, capable of unleashing devastating magical attacks to wipe out hordes of enemies.

A Tier:
4. Siege Engineers: Skilled in the art of siege warfare, they can build powerful catapults and trebuchets to destroy enemy fortifications.
5. Paladins: Holy warriors imbued with divine powers, they can heal allies and smite enemies with righteous fury.
6. Rangers: Expert marksmen, they can pick off enemies from a distance and provide valuable support to frontline units.

B Tier:
7. Battle Priests: Combat medics who can heal and buff allies in the midst of battle, keeping the frontline fighters going strong.
8. Assassins: Stealthy operatives who excel at taking out high-value targets, disrupting enemy strategy and causing chaos in their ranks.
9. Warlocks: Dark sorcerers who can unleash curses and spells to debilitate enemy units and turn the tide of battle in their favor.

C Tier:
10. Foot soldiers: Basic infantry units that lack special abilities but can still be useful in large numbers to overwhelm the enemy.
11. Crossbowmen: Ranged units that can deal decent damage from a distance, but are vulnerable in close combat.
12. Mercenaries: hired swords that can provide additional frontline support, but lack the training and discipline of regular army units.

Keep in mind that this tier list is subject to changes based on updates, patches, and player strategies.

Kingdom Civil War Codes FAQ

FAQ: How do I redeem a gift code in Kingdom Civil War?

Answer: To redeem a gift code in Kingdom Civil War, go to the in-game settings menu and look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter the gift code accurately and confirm to receive your rewards.

FAQ: Can gift codes in Kingdom Civil War expire?

Answer: Yes, gift codes in Kingdom Civil War can expire, so make sure to redeem them as soon as possible to avoid missing out on the rewards.

FAQ: What kind of rewards can I get from gift codes in Kingdom Civil War?

Answer: Gift codes in Kingdom Civil War can provide a variety of rewards such as in-game currency, resources, rare items, and sometimes exclusive cosmetic items.

FAQ: Where can I find gift codes for Kingdom Civil War?

Answer: Gift codes for Kingdom Civil War are often distributed through official social media channels, newsletters, events, and sometimes as rewards for participating in in-game activities. Be sure to stay updated on the game's announcements to not miss any gift code opportunities.

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