Vagrant's Castle Codes Wiki [2024 July]

Updated on June 3, 2024

Vagrant’s Castle codes are the key to unlocking hidden treasures and secrets within the ancient fortress. These mysterious symbols hold the power to reveal secret passageways, activate magical barriers, and uncover long-forgotten treasures. As brave adventurers explore the dark corridors and haunted halls of Vagrant’s Castle, deciphering these codes becomes crucial for their survival. Only those who are skilled in the art of codebreaking can hope to unlock the castle’s mysteries and claim its legendary rewards.

New valid for Vagrant’s Castle Codes Wiki

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Enchanted sword 2. Bag of gold coins 3. Rare diamond necklace 4. Armor of mythical strength
Get Code 1. Sword of Valor 2. 1000 gold coins 3. Diamond-encrusted shield 4. Ruby amulet 5. Masterful bow
Get Code 1. Enchanted cloak of invisibility 2. Bag of 100 gold coins 3. Flawless diamond ring

Vagrant's Castle Tier List

Sure! Here is a tier list for the game Vagrant's Castle:

S Tier:
- Knight: The Knight has high health, excellent defense, and strong melee attacks, making it a top-tier choice for tanking and dealing damage.
- Wizard: The Wizard has powerful ranged magic attacks, crowd control spells, and support abilities, making it an essential character for any team composition.
- Assassin: The Assassin excels in dealing high burst damage and taking out key targets quickly with its stealth abilities and precision attacks.

A Tier:
- Archer: The Archer is a versatile ranged class with good damage output and mobility, making it a strong choice for both single-target and AoE damage.
- Cleric: The Cleric is a vital support class with healing spells, buffs, and debuffs, making it essential for keeping the team alive and controlling the battlefield.
- Druid: The Druid is a hybrid class with both offensive and defensive spells, allowing it to adapt to different situations and provide a well-rounded role in the party.

B Tier:
- Barbarian: The Barbarian is a melee bruiser with high damage output and crowd control abilities, but lacks versatility and survivability compared to other classes.
- Rogue: The Rogue is a high-risk, high-reward melee class with strong single-target damage and stealth abilities, but struggles with survivability and sustained DPS in longer fights.

C Tier:
- Sorcerer: The Sorcerer is a glass cannon ranged class with powerful AoE spells, but low health and limited utility, making it a questionable choice for most encounters.
- Necromancer: The Necromancer is a pet-based class with summons and debuffs, but struggles to compete with other classes in terms of damage and support.

D Tier:
- Monk: The Monk is a martial arts melee class with limited damage output and utility, making it a niche pick for players looking for a challenge or unique playstyle.

Keep in mind that tier lists are subjective and can vary depending on playstyle, game balance, and updates. Players should choose characters they enjoy playing and feel most comfortable with, rather than strictly following a tier list.

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