Vange : Idle RPG Codes [2024 July]

Updated on June 13, 2024

In Vange: Idle RPG, players can uncover hidden codes that unlock powerful resources, rare items, and special abilities. These codes serve as secret keys to unlock new adventures and challenges within the game world. By entering these codes, players can enhance their gameplay experience and progress faster through the levels. Stay tuned for regular updates and events that offer exclusive codes for players to discover and use in Vange: Idle RPG.

New valid for Vange : Idle RPG Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Legendary sword for increased damage. 2. Pouch of 1000 gold coins. 3. Ruby amulet for enhanced magic. 4. Crystal armor set for defense boost.
Get Code 1. Legendary sword 2. 1000 gold 3. Diamond ring 4. Potion of power 5. Enchanted armor
Get Code 1. Tome of Wisdom, 100 gold coins, Shiny Diamond 2. Enchanted Sword, 50 gems, Bag of Holding 3. Potion of Invisibility, 200 silver pieces, Legendary Armor

Vange : Idle RPG Tier List

Sure! Here is a tier list for Vange: Idle RPG:

1. Vange - The main character of the game, Vange is an extremely powerful hero with versatile skills and high damage output.
2. Lysa - A healer with strong support abilities that can greatly benefit the team in battles.
3. Drake - A tanky hero with high defense and crowd control abilities, making him a reliable frontline option.

1. Ember - A mage with powerful AoE spells, ideal for dealing with groups of enemies.
2. Serra - A ranged attacker with high crit damage and mobility, making her a great damage dealer in battles.
3. Leon - A versatile warrior with a good balance of offense and defense, suitable for various combat situations.

1. Tara - A melee fighter with strong single-target damage, useful for taking down high-health enemies quickly.
2. Faye - A support hero with healing and buffing abilities, enhancing the team's overall performance in battles.
3. Kael - A rogue with high evasion and critical hit chance, making him a slippery and effective damage dealer.

1. Arlen - A tank with average stats and limited utility in battles, making him less desirable compared to other options.
2. Elara - A mage with low health and defense, requiring careful positioning and protection in battles.
3. Rhys - A ranger with decent damage output but lacking in versatility and crowd control abilities.

This tier list is based on overall performance and utility in battles, taking into account individual strengths and weaknesses of each hero. Players should also consider team composition and synergy when building their party to achieve the best results in Vange: Idle RPG.

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