Zombie.io - Potato Shooting Codes [2024 May]

Updated on April 27, 2024

In the world of Zombie.io, players armed with potato guns must fend off hordes of brain-hungry zombies. To gain an advantage, players can use special codes that unlock powerful potato shooting abilities. These codes are a secret among seasoned players and can greatly enhance the gameplay experience. By mastering these codes, players can achieve high scores, unlock new levels, and become champions in the post-apocalyptic world of Zombie.io.

New valid for Zombie.io – Potato Shooting Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Diamond-encrusted potato cannon 2. Bag of golden potatoes 3. Ruby-studded potato launcher 4. Pot of sparkling gem potatoes
Get Code 1. Legendary Potato Cannon 2. Gold Bar 3. Diamond Ring 4. Ruby Pendant 5. Potion of Undead Repellent
Get Code 1. Golden Potato Launcher 2. Diamond-encrusted Potato Ammo 3. Ruby-studded Potato Shield

Zombie.io - Potato Shooting Tier List

Sure, here is an imaginary tier list for the game Zombie.io - Potato Shooting:

- Potato Gatling Gun: This high-powered weapon has rapid fire capabilities and high damage, making it extremely effective against hordes of zombies.
- Potato Launcher 9000: A powerful launcher that can shoot explosive potatoes, dealing massive damage in a wide area.

- Potato Shotgun: A close-range weapon that packs a punch, perfect for clearing out zombies in tight spaces.
- Potato Sniper Rifle: A long-range weapon that allows players to pick off zombies from a safe distance with precision shots.

- Potato SMG: A versatile weapon with high rate of fire, good for mowing down zombies quickly.
- Potato Pistol: A basic sidearm that is reliable for close to medium-range combat.

- Potato Hammer: A melee weapon with limited range but high damage, useful for smashing zombies up close.
- Potato Crossbow: A slower-firing weapon that can deal decent damage from medium distances.

- Potato Peeler: A quirky weapon that shoots potato slices at zombies, dealing low damage but providing a fun and challenging gameplay experience.
- Potato Slingshot: A basic weapon with low damage output, mainly used for distraction rather than effective zombie-killing.

These ratings are subjective and can vary based on individual playstyles and preferences in the game.

Zombie.io - Potato Shooting Codes FAQ

FAQ 1: Gift Code

Answer: The gift code for Zombie.io - Potato Shooting is: POTATOZOMBIE

FAQ 2: Gift Code

Answer: Use the code SPOOKYPOTATO to redeem rewards in Zombie.io - Potato Shooting.

FAQ 3: Gift Code

Answer: To unlock special items in Zombie.io - Potato Shooting, enter the code ZOMBIEHUNTER.

FAQ 4: Gift Code

Answer: Get exclusive gifts by entering the code TATERKILLER in Zombie.io - Potato Shooting.

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