The Fixies: Fun Boy Games! Codes Wiki [2024 May]

Updated on March 23, 2024

Fixies: Helicopter Masters! – a great children’s game with the heroes of your favorite animated series. The Fixies team has got a new aircraft – a fast and maneuverable helicopter – and now they can repair various items much faster.

Fixies: Helicopter Masters! is an exciting adventure that develops the reaction and intelligence of the child. Each mission consists of a helicopter flight, during which you need to dodge obstacles and shoot down enemies, as well as a puzzle game, when you need to fix a device. Peculiarities:

  • educational game for children based on the popular animated series;
  • now the Fixies team has its own helicopter;
  • Lots of different puzzles.

New valid for The Fixies: Fun Boy Games! Codes Wiki

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. A shiny diamond necklace 2. 500 gold coins 3. A rare ruby ring 4. A powerful enchanted sword
Get Code 1. Diamond-encrusted sword 2. Pile of glittering gold coins 3. Rare enchanted amulet 4. Exquisite ruby bracelet 5. Powerful staff of magic
Get Code 1. A shiny diamond ring worth a fortune. 2. A magical staff that grants powerful spells. 3. A chest filled with gleaming gold coins.

The Fixies: Fun Boy Games! Tier List

Sure! Here is a tier list detailing the characters in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games:

S-Tier (Top Tier):
1. Nolik - Nolik has incredible speed and agility, making him a top contender in most mini games. His small size makes him difficult for other players to keep track of and catch.
2. Fixie - The main character, Fixie, has well-rounded stats and is good at a variety of mini games. He is a versatile choice for players who want a balanced gameplay experience.

A-Tier (High Tier):
3. Specky - Specky excels in mini games that require precision and focus. His attention to detail and small size give him an advantage in tasks that require careful movements.
4. Toola - Toola is a strong contender in mini games that require strength and endurance. Her ability to lift and carry heavy objects allows her to outperform other characters in such challenges.

B-Tier (Mid Tier):
5. Simka - Simka is a well-rounded character with decent stats in various categories. While she may not excel in any particular area, she is a reliable choice for players who prefer a balanced playstyle.
6. Fire - Fire is a fiery character with high energy and enthusiasm. He performs well in fast-paced mini games that require quick reflexes and agility.

C-Tier (Low Tier):
7. Verda - Verda is a cautious character who prefers to plan and strategize before taking action. While this can be useful in some scenarios, it may hinder her performance in mini games that require quick decision-making.
8. Digit - Digit is a laid-back character who tends to take things easy. While this may be appealing to some players, it can impact his competitiveness in high-stakes mini games.

This tier list is based on the characters' abilities and attributes in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games. Players may have different preferences and playstyles, so individual performance may vary.

The Fixies: Fun Boy Games! Codes FAQ

FAQ: Can gift codes be redeemed in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games?

Answer: Yes, gift codes can be redeemed in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games.

FAQ: How many gift codes can be used per account in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games?

Answer: Each account can only redeem one gift code in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games.

FAQ: Do gift codes expire in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games?

Answer: Yes, gift codes in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games have expiry dates.

FAQ: What type of rewards can be obtained from gift codes in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games?

Answer: Gift codes in The Fixies: Fun Boy Games can provide players with in-game currency, power-ups, or special items.

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