Hearts Mobile Codes Wiki [2024 May]

Updated on March 24, 2024

Hearts Mobile is a mobile implementation of a gambling card game that has become very popular due to the fact that it is included in the “Standard” Windows OS games package.

This version of this exciting game is optimized for touch screens, has nice unobtrusive graphics and smooth animation. Here you will find three opponents with a customizable difficulty level (the default is “Easy”) and advanced artificial intelligence that is fun to play with.

The rules are classic, familiar to playing with a computer, but if you have never played Hearts before, it will not be difficult to figure it out. The game traditionally ends when one of the players has scored 100 points. Make sure it’s not you.

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Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Sparkling diamond necklace 2. Pouch of gold coins 3. Exquisite ruby ring 4. Legendary sword of power
Get Code 1. Rare sword 2. 100 gold coins 3. Shiny diamond ring 4. Enchanted shield 5. Ruby necklace
Get Code 1. Legendary sword of valor 2. 1000 gold coins 3. Precious diamond pendant

Hearts Mobile Tier List

Here is a tier list for the game Hearts Mobile:

1. Queen of Spades - The most powerful card in the game, capable of giving players a lot of points if taken.
2. King of Hearts - A valuable card that can win players a lot of points, especially when paired with the Queen of Spades.
3. Ace of Hearts - Another high-value card that can secure players a strong lead in the game.

4. Jack of Diamonds - A useful card that can help players avoid accumulating too many points.
5. 10 of Clubs - A valuable low card that can be used strategically to offload points onto opponents.
6. 2 of Clubs - A low card that can help players avoid taking unwanted points.

7. Queen of Hearts - While still a valuable card, it is not as powerful as the Queen of Spades and can be used strategically to give points to opponents.
8. Jack of Hearts - Another useful card that can help players avoid accumulating points.

9. 9 of Hearts - A higher card that can lead to accumulating more points, but can be strategically used in certain situations.
10. 7 of Diamonds - A lower card that can still be valuable for strategic purposes.

11. 5 of Spades - A relatively low-ranking card that can be used strategically but is not as powerful as higher-ranking cards.

This tier list is subjective and may vary depending on individual playstyles and strategies.

Hearts Mobile Codes FAQ

1. FAQ: How can I redeem a gift code in Hearts Mobile?
Answer: To redeem a gift code in Hearts Mobile, go to the game's settings menu and select the "Redeem Code" option. Enter the gift code and confirm to receive your rewards.

2. FAQ: Can gift codes in Hearts Mobile be used more than once?
Answer: No, each gift code in Hearts Mobile can only be redeemed once per account. Once a code has been used, it cannot be used again.

3. FAQ: What kind of rewards can I expect from gift codes in Hearts Mobile?
Answer: Gift codes in Hearts Mobile can unlock various rewards such as in-game currency, booster packs, exclusive card designs, and more.

4. FAQ: Are gift codes in Hearts Mobile region-specific?
Answer: Gift codes in Hearts Mobile may be region-specific, so be sure to check the terms and conditions of each code to ensure it can be used in your region.

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