Trails of Cold Steel:NW Codes Wiki [2024 May]

Updated on April 26, 2024

Trails of Cold Steel: New Winds is an exciting addition to the popular RPG series, offering a fresh storyline and immersive gameplay. Players can unlock special codes to enhance their gaming experience, giving them access to new weapons, armor, and abilities. By exploring the world and completing quests, they can discover hidden codes that will help them on their journey. Get ready to embark on an epic adventure in Trails of Cold Steel: New Winds!

New valid for Trails of Cold Steel:NW Codes Wiki

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Mystic staff of power 2. Bag of rare gems 3. Pouch of valuable gold coins 4. Enchanted ruby amulet
Get Code 1. Divine Armament: Golden sword of blazing power. 2. Crystal Amulet: Enhances magic abilities and protection. 3. Bag of Coins: A hefty sum of silver and gold. 4. Ruby Ring: Grants increased strength and resilience in battle. 5. Enchanted Bow: Never misses a target, shoots with deadly accuracy.
Get Code 1. Swiftwind Boots: Increase movement speed in battles. 2. Golden Amulet: Boosts defense against magical attacks. 3. Diamond Ring: Adds extra gold find chance.

Trails of Cold Steel:NW Tier List

Sure! Here is a rough tier list for the game Trails of Cold Steel: Nendoroid Wars (NW):

1. Rean Schwarzer: The main protagonist, Rean is a well-rounded character with high attack and defense stats. His Crafts and S-Crafts deal heavy damage to enemies.
2. Alisa Reinford: Alisa is a versatile character with strong magic abilities and healing skills. She can support the team with her arts and crafts.
3. Laura S. Arseid: Laura is a powerhouse character with high physical attack and defense. Her sword skills can cut through enemy defenses easily.

1. Juna Crawford: Juna is a fast and agile character with good physical and ranged attacks. She can support the team with her buffs and debuffs.
2. Kurt Vander: Kurt is a balanced character with solid physical and magical abilities. He can tank hits and deal damage effectively.
3. Altina Orion: Altina is a strategic character with versatile skills and abilities. She can summon mechs and use gadgets to support the team.

1. Emma Millstein: Emma is a powerful spellcaster with strong elemental magic attacks. She can provide support with healing and buffs.
2. Machias Regnitz: Machias is a skilled ranged attacker with good speed and accuracy. He can inflict status ailments on enemies.
3. Gaius Worzel: Gaius is a versatile character with strong physical attacks and healing abilities. He can support the team with his crafts and arts.

1. Fie Claussell: Fie is a stealthy character with quick and precise attacks. She can deal critical damage to enemies and evade attacks.
2. Millium Orion: Millium is a quirky character with unique abilities. She can summon robotic allies and provide support with her crafts.
3. Sara Valestein: Sara is a seasoned warrior with experience in combat. She can buff the team and debuff enemies effectively.

This tier list is subjective and may vary depending on individual playstyles and preferences.

Trails of Cold Steel:NW Codes FAQ


Answer: Q: How do I redeem a gift code in Trails of Cold Steel:NW?
A: To redeem a gift code, go to the game's official website and locate the "Redeem Code" section. Enter the code provided and follow the prompts to claim your gift.


Answer: Q: Can gift codes be used multiple times in Trails of Cold Steel:NW?
A: No, each gift code can usually only be redeemed once per account. Make sure to use it wisely and enjoy the rewards.


Answer: Q: What kind of rewards can I expect from gift codes in Trails of Cold Steel:NW?
A: Gift codes can offer various rewards such as in-game currency, exclusive items, experience boosts, or even special cosmetic items for your character.


Answer: Q: Where can I find valid gift codes for Trails of Cold Steel:NW?
A: Valid gift codes are usually distributed through official events, promotions, or social media channels related to the game. Keep an eye out for announcements to grab your own unique code.

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