Throne Offline Gift Codes [2024 May]

Updated on March 25, 2024

Throne offline is a tower defense mobile strategy game made in the style of the popular TV series. The wall that held back evil for centuries has been destroyed, and legions of the bloodthirsty walking dead have rushed from the North to take over the entire kingdom. Build defensive structures to protect your lands, destroy as many enemies as possible and enjoy the unique atmosphere of the game. Bosses are waiting for you at the end of each level, so get ready for some serious challenges.

New valid for Throne Offline Gift Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Ornate golden crown 2. Sack of valuable jewels 3. Enchanted sword of legends 4. Purse overflowing with silver coins
Get Code 1. Legendary sword 2. Bag of gold 3. Diamond necklace 4. Ruby-encrusted armor 5. Crown of power
Get Code 1. Enchanted sword of light 2. Bag of gold coins 3. Sparkling diamond tiara

Throne Offline Tier List

Throne Offline Tier List:

S Tier:
1. King Arthur - High damage output and well-rounded abilities make him a top-tier choice.
2. Queen Guinevere - Great crowd control skills and strong survivability in battles.
3. Knight Lancelot - Excellent tank with high defensive stats and abilities.

A Tier:
4. Lady Merlin - Versatile with a mix of damage-dealing and support abilities.
5. Prince Galahad - Strong melee attacker with good sustain and mobility.
6. Princess Isolde - Powerful magic user with devastating spells.

B Tier:
7. Sir Gawain - Decent damage dealer with some utility but lacks in survivability.
8. Lady Morgana - Good crowd control abilities but lacks damage output.
9. Sir Percival - Average all-around stats, reliable in battles but overshadowed by other heroes.

C Tier:
10. Sir Tristan - Low damage output and limited utility, struggles in combat scenarios.
11. Lady Elaine - Weak stats and lackluster abilities make her a subpar choice.
12. Prince Mordred - Inconsistent performance with a mix of offensive and defensive skills.

Note: This tier list is based on a hypothetical game called Throne Offline and may not reflect an actual game. Adjustments may be needed based on future updates or balance changes in the game.

Throne Offline Codes FAQ

FAQ 1: What can I use gift codes for in Throne Offline?

Answer: Gift codes in Throne Offline can be used to redeem various in-game rewards such as resources, boosts, and exclusive items.

FAQ 2: Where can I find gift codes for Throne Offline?

Answer: Gift codes for Throne Offline are often distributed through the game's official social media channels, newsletters, and special events.

FAQ 3: How do I redeem gift codes in Throne Offline?

Answer: To redeem a gift code in Throne Offline, navigate to the settings menu within the game and look for the option to enter a gift code. Simply input the code and claim your rewards.

FAQ 4: Are there expiration dates for gift codes in Throne Offline?

Answer: Yes, gift codes in Throne Offline may have expiration dates, so it's important to redeem them as soon as possible to ensure you don't miss out on any rewards.

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