撲克●大老二 MOD APK (Latest Version) 2.1.0

Updated on March 21, 2024

Name 撲克●大老二
Publisher ling app
Category Game
Version 2.1.0
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Poker Dà Lǎo Èr, also known as Big Two, is a popular card game that originated from East Asia. It is an exciting and strategic game that requires skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. In this article, we will explore the rules, gameplay, and tips for playing this fascinating game.


The game is typically played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards, with each player being dealt a hand of 13 cards. The objective of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards.

The card rankings in Poker Dà Lǎo Èr follow the traditional poker hierarchy, with aces being the highest and twos being the lowest. However, there is a unique twist in which the “2” card can be used to beat any other card in a single hand.

The game is played in a clockwise direction, with players taking turns to play a higher combination of cards than the previous player. The combinations can be singles, pairs, triples, straights, flushes, full houses, or poker hands (four of a kind or straight flushes).

When playing a combination, players must ensure that the cards are of higher value than the previous combination played. For example, if the previous player plays a pair of sevens, the next player must play a pair of eights or higher, or any other higher combination.


At the start of the game, players can decide whether to play with or without the use of the Joker card. The Joker card can be used as a wild card, representing any other card to complete a combination.

The game begins with the player holding the 3 of diamonds leading the first hand. The next player must then play a higher combination of cards or pass. Passing means that the player cannot play any higher combination and must wait for the next round.

If all players pass consecutively, the player who played the last combination wins the hand and leads the next round with any combination of their choice. The gameplay continues until one player successfully gets rid of all their cards.


In Poker Dà Lǎo Èr, just like any other card game, strategy plays a crucial role in winning. Here are a few tips to improve your gameplay:

1. Observe and remember the cards played by other players. This allows you to deduce which combinations they may have and make informed decisions about the cards you play.

2. Save high-value cards for later rounds. Holding on to higher-ranked cards gives you an advantage in the later stages of the game when players start running out of strong combinations.

3. Pay attention to the cards played after passing. When you pass, it is important to observe the combinations played by other players. This will give you valuable information about the cards remaining in their hands.

4. Use the 2 card strategically. The 2 card is a powerful card that can beat any other card. Use it wisely to break other players’ winning streaks or to gain an advantage in a particular round.

5. Timing is key. In Poker Dà Lǎo Èr, playing your combinations at the right time is essential. It is often beneficial to hold back and wait for the opportune moment to play your strongest combinations.


Poker Dà Lǎo Èr, also known as Big Two, is a captivating card game that has gained popularity in East Asia and beyond. With its unique twist of the 2 card and strategic gameplay, it offers hours of entertainment and challenges players to think strategically. By understanding the rules, mastering the gameplay, and employing effective strategies, you can enhance your chances of winning this exciting game. So gather your friends, grab a deck of cards, and enjoy a thrilling session of Poker Dà Lǎo Èr!

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