Ace Fishing: Wild Catch MOD APK (Unlocked) 8.5.0

Updated on March 18, 2024

Name Ace Fishing: Wild Catch
Publisher Com2uS
Category Game
Version 8.5.0
Price FREE
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Ace Fishing: Wild Catch MOD
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Ace Fishing is a popular mobile fishing game that offers realistic fishing experiences. With stunning graphics and intuitive controls, players can unwind and catch various fish species from around the world while enjoying tranquil environments.

Ace Fishing: A Complete Guide for Fishing Enthusiasts


Ace Fishing is a popular mobile fishing game that allows players to experience the thrill of catching a variety of fish from various locations around the world. With its realistic graphics, intense gameplay, and numerous features, Ace Fishing provides an immersive fishing experience for enthusiasts of all ages.

Getting Started

Before diving into the world of Ace Fishing, players need to download and install the game on their mobile devices. Ace Fishing is available for both iOS and Android devices, and it can be easily found and downloaded from the respective app stores. Once the game is installed, players can launch it and proceed to create their in-game character.

During character creation, players have the opportunity to customize the appearance, name, and gender of their virtual angler. Additionally, players can choose their starting location, which determines the initial fish species they’ll encounter. After creating their character, players are ready to embark on their fishing adventure.

The Fishing Basics

Ace Fishing provides a comprehensive tutorial to help new players get acquainted with the game mechanics. In the tutorial, players learn the basic controls, fishing techniques, and how to reel in their catches. By following the instructions and practicing, players can quickly become proficient in casting their lines and reeling in those prized fish.

The game offers various fishing locations, each featuring a different set of fish species and unique challenges. Players can choose to fish in locations such as the Amazon River, Sydney Harbor, and Alaska. The abundance of fish species and ever-changing weather conditions make each location a unique fishing experience.

Equipment and Upgrades

As players progress in Ace Fishing, they have the opportunity to upgrade their fishing gear by purchasing better rods, reels, lines, and baits. Upgrading equipment is crucial for catching larger fish and succeeding in more challenging fishing locations.

The in-game currency, known as gold, can be earned by completing quests, winning competitions, or selling caught fish. Additionally, players can acquire premium currency, called pearls, through various in-app purchases. Both currencies can be used to purchase new equipment and upgrades, enhancing the overall fishing experience.

Competitions and Events

Ace Fishing features regular competitions and events that allow players to compete against other anglers worldwide. These competitions range from time-limited events to leaderboard-based tournaments. Participating in competitions is a great way to test your skills, earn rewards, and climb the global rankings.

In addition to competitions, the game also offers special events that provide players with unique fishing opportunities and exclusive rewards. Whether it’s a seasonal event or a special promotion, players can always expect exciting surprises to keep them engaged and motivated in their fishing journey.

Communities and Social Interaction

Ace Fishing has a vibrant community with various avenues for social interaction. Players can join fishing clubs where they can team up with fellow anglers, participate in club tournaments, and share fishing tips and strategies. This sense of community fosters camaraderie among players and adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the game.

Additionally, players can connect their game accounts to social media platforms such as Facebook and compete with their friends, share their achievements, or invite them to join their fishing adventures. The social aspect of Ace Fishing provides players with opportunities to connect with other fishing enthusiasts from around the world.


Ace Fishing offers a captivating and realistic fishing experience on mobile devices. With its intuitive controls, stunning graphics, and various fishing locations, the game provides endless entertainment for fishing enthusiasts of all levels. So, grab your virtual fishing gear and dive into the world of Ace Fishing – the ultimate fishing adventure awaits!

Total Word Count: 531

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