Heavens: role playing match 3 Promo Codes [2024 May]

Updated on March 24, 2024

Heaven is an amazing magical world with powerful heroes and vivid battles. Here you will find an entertaining arrangement of cozy islands, epic battles in the battle arena, fights with terrible monsters for countless treasures and much, much more. Simple game mechanics “three in a row” with elements of a role-playing game will give you a lot of unforgettable emotions and will always help pass the time. Choose a strategy, think about moves and defeat other players to take the top lines in the leaderboard.

New valid for Heavens: role playing match 3 Promo Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Ascendant Blade of the Divine - A powerful weapon that enhances your combat abilities. 2. Bag of Gold - A pouch filled with sparkling gold coins for your adventures. 3. Jewel of the Skies - A radiant gemstone that grants mystical powers and blessings. 4. Enchanted Heavens Shield - A shield blessed by celestial beings to protect you in battle.
Get Code 1. Celestial Wand 2. 1000 Gold Pieces 3. Diamond Encrusted Armor 4. Ruby-studded Sword 5. Amulet of Luck
Get Code 1. Blessed Sword of Divinity 2. Purifying Amulet of Strength 3. Enchanted Gauntlets of Protection

Heavens: role playing match 3 Tier List

Here is a sample tier list for the game "Heavens: Role Playing Match 3," broken down into different roles and categories:

**S Tier:**

- **Heavenly Paladin:** This class excels in tanking and supporting allies, boasting high defenses and the ability to heal themselves and protect teammates. Their match 3 abilities can create shields and provide buffs to the team.

- **Celestial Wizard:** Specializing in damage-dealing spells, the Celestial Wizard can clear large amounts of tiles with their powerful match 3 abilities. They are essential for dealing with tough enemies and bosses.

**A Tier:**

- **Divine Archer:** A versatile class that can deal significant damage from afar, the Divine Archer's match 3 abilities allow them to target specific enemies and apply status effects like poison or paralysis.

- **Saintly Cleric:** Focused on healing and support, the Saintly Cleric can restore health to allies and remove debuffs with their match 3 skills. They are crucial for keeping the team alive during tough battles.

**B Tier:**

- **Seraphim Warrior:** Combining offense and defense, the Seraphim Warrior can deal damage while also having decent survivability. Their match 3 abilities can provide temporary buffs to both themselves and allies.

- **Angel Bard:** A support class that excels in boosting team stats and providing crowd control, the Angel Bard's match 3 abilities can charm enemies or enhance the team's abilities with powerful buffs.

**C Tier:**

- **Heavenly Rogue:** While agile and able to dodge attacks, the Heavenly Rogue lacks significant damage output compared to other classes. Their match 3 abilities focus on critical hits and evasion.

- **Celestial Monk:** A melee class with strong single-target damage, the Celestial Monk's match 3 abilities can stun enemies and boost their own attack power.

These tiers are subject to change based on balancing updates and player feedback. Players should consider team composition and synergy when forming their party for optimal results in "Heavens: Role Playing Match 3."

Heavens: role playing match 3 Codes FAQ

FAQ 1: How do I redeem gift codes in Heavens: role playing match 3?

Answer: To redeem a gift code in Heavens: role playing match 3, navigate to the settings menu within the game, locate the "Redeem Code" section, enter the code accurately, and press the redeem button.

FAQ 2: Where can I find gift codes for Heavens: role playing match 3?

Answer: Gift codes for Heavens: role playing match 3 are often distributed by the game developers on their official social media channels, newsletters, and special events. Players can also keep an eye out for in-game promotions that may offer gift codes.

FAQ 3: How long are gift codes valid for in Heavens: role playing match 3?

Answer: Gift codes in Heavens: role playing match 3 typically have an expiration date specified by the developers. It is important to redeem the codes promptly to ensure they are still valid.

FAQ 4: Can I share gift codes with other players in Heavens: role playing match 3?

Answer: Gift codes in Heavens: role playing match 3 are often meant for single use and are not transferrable between players. It is recommended to use the codes personally to maximize their benefits.

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