Queen’s Castle : Merge & Story Gift Codes [2024 July]

Updated on June 29, 2024

Step into the magical world of Queen’s Castle: Merge & Story codes, where you can create your very own kingdom filled with enchanting characters and mysterious adventures. Merge objects to unlock new powers and discover the captivating story behind the Queen’s Castle. Use secret codes to uncover hidden treasures and unlock special features. Immerse yourself in a world of fantasy and magic as you build, discover, and explore in the Queen’s Castle universe.

New valid for Queen’s Castle : Merge & Story Gift Codes

Codes Rewards
Get Code 1. Legendary sword 2. 1000 gold coins 3. Precious diamond 4. Enchanted armor
Get Code 1. Enchanted amulet 2. Pile of gold coins 3. Rare diamond ring 4. Legendary sword 5. Bundle of valuable gems
Get Code 1. A glittering crown encrusted with rare gems. 2. A chest filled with valuable gold coins. 3. A legendary sword that once belonged to a great warrior.

Queen’s Castle : Merge & Story Tier List

Queen's Castle: Merge & Story Tier List

- Queen Victoria: The powerful queen with the ability to merge multiple items and increase their levels. She is essential for progressing through the game.
- Knight Sir Edward: A loyal knight with high attack and defense stats, making him a formidable fighter in battles.
- Mage Amelia: A skilled mage with a wide range of magic spells, capable of dealing massive damage to enemies.

- Archer Clara: A skilled archer with precise aim and high agility, making her a versatile character in battles.
- Ice Queen Elsa: A powerful sorceress with the ability to freeze enemies in their tracks, providing crowd control in tough situations.
- Blacksmith Henry: A master craftsman with the ability to create powerful weapons and armor for the team.

- Thief Jack: A sneaky thief with the ability to steal items from enemies and provide much-needed resources for the team.
- Bard Lily: A charming bard with the ability to boost the team's morale and provide buffs in battles.
- Alchemist Leo: A mysterious alchemist with the ability to brew potent potions and heal the team during battles.

- Farmer Bob: A humble farmer with basic combat skills, useful for gathering resources and maintaining the team's supplies.
- Dancer Sophie: An elegant dancer with the ability to confuse enemies with her mesmerizing moves, providing support in battles.
- Chef William: A talented chef with the ability to create delicious meals that boost the team's stats temporarily.

Please note that this tier list is based on the current meta of the game and may be subject to change as updates are released.

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