Tải Chia sẻ Acc Sling TV ứng dụng xem Truyền Hình trực tuyến Free

Đã cập nhật vào lúc December 13, 2024

Hôm nay rảnh dỗi kiếm được một số acc sling tv lên vội lên đây chia sẻ cho anh em luôn cho nóng, thấy hay thì chia sẻ giúp mình để thêm động lực kiếm thêm nhiều acc ngon bổ miễn phí khác nhé.

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Sling TV là gì?

Sling TV là ứng dụng truyền hình trực tuyến xem bằng kết nối internet qua các vệ tinh trên bầu trời do tổ chức mẹ Dish Network phát hành. Với ứng dụng này bạn có thể tránh một khoản phí trả tiền thuê bao đáng kể.

Tuy nó không miễn phí nhưng nó vẫn rẻ hơn các gói thuê bao bình thường phù hợp với các bạn sinh sống nước ngoài hoặc thích xem các ứng dụng nước ngoài. Khác với Netflix, Sling TV cung cấp tất cả chương trình truyền hình trực tiếp thay vì theo yêu cầu. Và hôm nay, minh sẽ chia sẻ một số tài khoản miễn phí cho anh xài nhé. Yêu cầu anh em dùng ý thức cho những người cùng xài nữa nhé.

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Chia sẻ tài khoản Sling TV

  • mtmassey@kc.rr.com:drums123 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-Midwest”,”Cloud DVR”,”Comedy Extra”,”Showtime”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-25
  • heybeerman04@yahoo.com:farzaneh | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-FL/SUN”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-06
  • gbegin@me.com:1rexbud1 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Total TV Deal”,”Concurrency | Next Payment = 2019-10-09
  • gautam.monga@yahoo.com:eric500 | Account_status = active | Services = Robot [RENTAL,SD]”,”Bumm Bumm Bole [RENTAL,SD]”,”All The Best: Fun Begins [RENTAL,SD]”,”All The Best: Fun Begins [RENTAL,SD]”,”Dabangg [RENTAL,SD]”,”All The Best: Fun Begins [RENTAL,SD]”,”Crook: It’s Good To Be Bad [RENTAL,SD]”,”Crook: It’s Good To Be Bad [RENTAL,SD]”,”Yamla Pagla Deewana [RENTAL,SD]”,”The Perfect Husband [RENTAL,HD]”,”Room at the Top [RENTAL,HD]”,”Bakery in Brooklyn [RENTAL,HD]”,”Bubba The Redneck Werewolf [RENTAL,HD]”,”Hindi Pack”,”Desi Bonus”,”English International Bonus”,”Concurrency”,”Sling Sneak Peek Hindi”,”Sling Sneak Peek”,”Sling Sneak Peek Latino | Next Payment = 2019-10-09
  • amberlhodge@hotmail.com:Ib4UT1ne | Account_status = active | Services = Concurrency”,”Sling Orange and Sling Blue”,”Sports Extras”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-26
  • awaters@axiom-systems.com:madrid | Account_status = active | Services = Concurrency”,”Sling Blue”,”4 for 10 Deal”,”Heartland Extra”,”Cloud DVR”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-10
  • karadewitt@hotmail.com:Leland12 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Orange and Sling Blue”,”4 for 10 Deal”,”FP2-A | Next Payment =
  • akgm88@yahoo.com:randy8 | Account_status = active | Services = Concurrency”,”Cloud DVR”,”Sling Orange”,”Sports Extra”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-23
  • joesarmiento@hotmail.com:disco2001 | Account_status = active | Services = Three Identical Strangers [RENTAL,SD]”,”Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”Cloud DVR | Next Payment = 2019-10-08
  • bre911rn@hotmail.com:Brenski1 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Orange and Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-Arizona”,”Cloud DVR”,”4 for 10 Deal”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-19T22:55:01+00:00
  • twinmomkathy@yahoo.com:oliver04 | Account_status = active | Services = Concurrency”,”Sling Orange | Next Payment = 2019-10-19T12:25:29+00:00
  • cinjer0@yahoo.com:newbrook | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-YES 1″,”Cloud DVR”,”4 for 10 Deal”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-28
  • mjh0314@comcast.net:hunter98 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-YES 1″,”Divergent [RENTAL,HD]”,”FP2-B | Next Payment = 2019-10-06
  • theclarks_2@yahoo.com:april1600 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Lifestyle Extra”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-PT/WE”,”Cloud DVR”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-07
  • wlkjw@suddenlink.net:Spanky | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Total TV Deal”,”Concurrency | Next Payment = 2019-10-29
  • dotwelch@msn.com:kerrianne | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Orange”,”Concurrency”,”Spider-Man: Homecoming [RENTAL,SD]”,”FP2-B | Next Payment = 2019-10-13
  • gymnut2008@yahoo.com:Cheese08 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-YES/STO”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-23
  • torriemalone1@yahoo.com:caitlin4 | Account_status = active | Services = Sling Blue”,”Concurrency”,”FOX RSN-Arizona”,”Sports Extra”,”Lifestyle Extra”,”FP2-B | Next Payment = 2019-10-19
  • david.butler@dish.com:EchoStar08 | Account_status = active | Services = Slingscriber”,”Concurrency”,”Cloud DVR | Next Payment = 2019-10-22
  • ronkilgore@hotmail.com:cobra1968 | Account_status = active | Services = Concurrency”,”Cloud DVR”,”Sling Orange and Sling Blue”,”Sports Extras”,”FP2-A | Next Payment = 2019-10-25

Để tránh khó nhìn mình đã chia mỗi dòng một tài khoản cho mọi người tiện coppy hơn. Chúc mọi người online vui vẻ.

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