Labo Brick Tank:Kids Game MOD APK (Unlocked Everything) 1.0.504

Updated on March 18, 2024

Name Labo Brick Tank:Kids Game
Publisher Labo Lado Co., Ltd.
Category Game
Version 1.0.504
Price FREE
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Labo Brick Tank is an engaging and creative kids game that combines building with virtual reality. With customizable tank designs, kids can construct their own tanks and take them on thrilling adventures in a virtual world.


Labo Brick Tank is an innovative and educational game designed for children. The game combines the fun of building with the excitement of controlling a virtual tank in a digital world. With Labo Brick Tank, kids can get creative, learn problem-solving skills, and enjoy hours of entertainment.

Building and Customization

One of the highlights of Labo Brick Tank is the building aspect. The game comes with a physical set of bricks that children can assemble to create a unique tank. The set includes various parts such as the tank base, turret, wheels, and other accessories. The bricks are not only sturdy but can also be easily connected and disconnected, allowing kids to create different tank designs.

Labo Brick Tank also includes a detailed instruction manual that guides children through the building process. The manual presents step-by-step instructions with clear diagrams, making it easy for kids to follow along. Assembling the tank provides an excellent opportunity for children to enhance their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Moreover, Labo Brick Tank offers customization options. Once the tank is assembled, kids can decorate it using stickers and markers provided in the game set. This customization feature allows children to add their personal touch to the tank and make it truly their own.

Virtual World Exploration

After building their tank, children can immerse themselves in a virtual world with Labo Brick Tank. Using a game console or a compatible mobile device, kids can control their tank and explore various digital environments. The game offers exciting challenges, missions, and puzzles that require both strategy and critical thinking.

In the virtual world, children can navigate their tank through diverse terrains like forests, deserts, and snowy mountains. They can encounter obstacles, collect power-ups, and even engage in friendly battles with virtual opponents. This aspect of the game not only provides a thrilling experience but also promotes cognitive skills such as spatial awareness and problem-solving.

Multiplayer Mode

Labo Brick Tank also offers a multiplayer mode, allowing children to team up and play with their friends or siblings. This mode encourages social interaction, cooperation, and healthy competition among kids. Together, they can embark on exciting missions or engage in friendly tank battles, fostering communication and teamwork skills.

Playing Labo Brick Tank in multiplayer mode also enhances children’s creativity. They can develop strategies together, come up with unique approaches to challenges, and share building ideas for their tanks. This collaborative gameplay strengthens friendship bonds and nurtures a sense of unity among children.

Educational Benefits

Aside from the fun and entertainment it provides, Labo Brick Tank offers numerous educational benefits for children. The building process itself helps improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Following instructions and assembling the tank also promotes logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Furthermore, Labo Brick Tank encourages creativity and imagination. Children can design and customize their tanks, enhancing their artistic skills and self-expression. The virtual world exploration aspect of the game sparks curiosity and promotes spatial awareness.

Labo Brick Tank also incorporates educational components such as puzzles and challenges that require critical thinking. By overcoming these obstacles, children develop logical reasoning skills and learn how to analyze situations from different perspectives.


Labo Brick Tank is an educational game that combines building, creativity, and virtual world exploration. With its sturdy and easy-to-use bricks, children can assemble their tanks and customize them according to their preferences. The game not only offers hours of entertainment but also enhances fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking.

Through multiplayer mode, Labo Brick Tank promotes social interaction and teamwork among children. Additionally, the game provides various educational benefits, contributing to the overall development of kids. Labo Brick Tank is a perfect choice for parents seeking a game that combines learning and fun for their children.

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